Anyone can love the mountains, but it takes a soul to love the pairie

Farmers Union Chicks

Yes, you read that right, at the beginning of 2023 Farmers Union decided to jump head first

into something all new to us.... Chicks!

Getting off to a bit of a shaky start we managed to partner with a great family run hatchery based out of North Dakota. Woodbury Hatchery managed to supply Farmers Union in Circle and Terry, with 1000+ chicks for the months of March, April, and May, that we proudly distributed to customers in McCone, Dawson, Roosevelt, Garfield, and Prairie Counties. Our Last order will be coming in May 25th and our chick season will come to a close.

That being said Farmers Union

would like to thank

everyone who supported us and helped make this endeavor such a success!

Throughout this entire process we have learned many things and we hope to apply these ideas in the future. We plan to continue with spring chick days for the foreseeable future and hope to make this event bigger, better, smoother, and even more fun for the community and our customers than it has already been.

Our order forms for next year will be set up slightly different to help with ease of ordering for our customers, in hopes that we can get our Pre-Sale Orders by order, rather than by breed and to help us determine a projected delivery date for orders at an earlier time, so we can help everyone be more prepared for the arrival of their new feathered friends!

One of the many things we learned along the way was partnering with a great family run operation like Woodbury was one of the best decisions we could have made even if it wasn't our first idea. Our chicks always arrive happy and healthy with very few losses and I think it's safe to say, the only reason that could have happened was because of the time and care this family has put into their work; which in turn has helped us out immensely.

When it comes to feed, another great choice was to partner with Tate Switzer via Mountain West Ag. He was able to bring us a great product at a great price, and again working with a real person, face to face, was definitely the way to go! All of our chicks here at Farmers Union could not be happier with this product!

One of the best parts of this whole project was that we had the opportunity to reach out to the younger generation in the community and help teach them about the importance of chickens and the role they play in the world.

Kids of all ages were able to come with their school classes: pre-school, daycare, and just with family, to see a video presentation, ask LOTS of questions, sign up for drawings, get some goody bags filled with information, treats and of course we all had a chance to hold a baby chick!

This was definitely a high point in the project and it really helped us pull the whole project together and give a little something back to the community.

If you have any questions or are just curious about our chick venture, please feel free to reach out to us!

Community feedback is the only way we can help keep projects such as this going and growing!

One question we would like to answer is YES, we will continue to carry our Chick Starter/Grower and our Layer feed all year round along with all of our other poultry products. So, please feel free to stop in anytime and we will help you feed that flock and fix up that hen house, with all the things you could need to keep your coop happy, healthy,

and most importantly PRODUCING!

So, once again, all of us here at Farmers Union would like to say Thank you for all the help and support and we look forward to seeing you all again next year!


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