Anyone can love the mountains, but it takes a soul to love the pairie

Lucille "Lucy" Magalsky

July 1,1953-2023

She won the purple ribbon. Whether raising her family, sewing, making crafts, baking, caring for Dad, raising her garden, or canning jams, Lucy Magalsky was the top, Best of Show.

Born July 1, 1953 to Earl and Lila Green in Glendive, MT. She attended Union School for elementary and then to Circle High School, graduating in 1971. She went on to attend business school in Denver for a year.

Her first date with Jim was a double date. The problem was that Mom was with the other guy. Months later Jim asked her out to the Terry Drive-In and they married two years later on July 14, 1972, two weeks after her 19th birthday. With 3 kids before age 26, life got busy quickly and she grew up fast.

Life was hard 22 miles from town on a gravel road. And then Dad went down. Mayo clinic called it Multiple Sclerosis. We called it hell. Nonetheless, she persevered and worked hard to keep the family afloat and care for Dad. She and LaDonna Haber founded Redwater Buying Club to help bring fresh produce and wholesome products to her family and hundreds of others across McCone County. She raised food in the garden. We had chickens and hogs. She sewed clothes for us kids. She did what needed to be done for her family. Her kids cannot recall a single event that she and Dad ever missed. Whether it be sports events, concerts, graduations, plays, or parent-teacher conferences, she always showed up to support us.

She spent countless hours hunched over the sewing machine and in the kitchen canning or baking so we had clothes to wear and food to eat. This hard work not only sustained the family but also allowed her one of her greatest joys, entering all her handiwork in local fairs. This resulted in many Best of Show purple ribbons, for which she was so proud.

She was first to volunteer to lead church activities, wanting to serve with her organizational skills and creative gifts. She was incredibly talented in so many things. Music, sewing, gardening, and crafts. It seemed to feed her soul. At home, she took little breaks from her daily work and could be found at the piano pounding out chords to church songs. And on special occasions the accordion would come out. She spent hours and hours at her sewing machine surrounded by fabrics, ribbons, patterns, and thread. She was always coming up with some new creation or project. For our birthdays, she made amazingly decorated birthday cakes. Each one designed to our specific likes. She was industrious and hard-working, and she learned to do pretty much anything that was needed, from plumbing, to operating skill saws, to combining, to changing tires. Whatever it took. She never backed down from hard work.

When we kids left the nest she and Dad headed south. Three different RVs over 19 years took them to NM, AZ, CA and thirty-six other states as far away as Georgia. Their joke was that they would strap a snow shovel to the back of the RV and when somebody asked them what it was, they knew they were far enough south to stop for the winter! In the summers, they came north and visited kids and 11 grandkids, and Mom gardened at home in the country.

Her last few years were spent back home in Circle, where she worked at the Senior Center and helped elderly in town with cleaning and driving them to appointments or running errands. In her spare time she was quilting, sewing, or reading books or magazines about health and natural remedies.

On February 17, 2023 God ushered her to her heavenly home. She left us sooner than we would have liked, but we know that she is with the Lord, free from the struggles of this world and with a fully renewed body and mind.

Those that love her who remain include:

Devoted husband Jim Magalsky, Son, Michael James Magalsky, wife Lovena, and grandchildren Aaron, Grace, Abigail, and Gabriel, of Boise, Idaho. Daughter, Lynette Maria Champlin, husband Nathan, and granddaughters Sara, Leah, Mikayla, and Olivia of Billings, Montana. Son, Kelly Edward Magalsky, wife Darcy, and grandchildren Connor, Hailey, and Ryan of Cheney, Washington. Mother, Lila Green of Billings, MT. Brother, Allen (Phyllis) Green of Billings, MT. Sister, Luanna (Robert) Diller of Silverton, OR. Sister-in-law, Shannon Green of Billings, MT. Numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends.


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